1.In the movies, the British secret agent often needs to make a quick getaway by boat, and of course, one was always close at hand.
2.Many others, and especially the Bernardine Sisters, who knew him close at hand, are ready to testify to his holiness.
3.The beautiful and high - quality one has seemed close at hand , extremely easy to obtain like the fairy tale!
4.He knew that defeat was close at hand and that he must prepare for his own death.
5.Also, keep hard copies of your resume close at hand and give it out freely.
6.When the framers of the Bill of Rights assumed that the states would not mistreat the citizens close at hand, they were only half wrong.
7.As the storm is close at hand, many ships began to sail back to the port.
8.In the evening he fell down by a tree, and on the seventh morning he could not raise himself up for faintness , and death was close at hand.
9.We convene each day to discuss matters close at hand about all that is transpiring on your planet.
10.Flames from a distant cluster of houses would suddenly spring up close at hand, traveling at the speed of a forest fire.